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Sharing practice, together.

My name is Kōei (pronounced "koh-ay"). I am a Shingon Buddhist priest and Shugendō practitioner from Nebraska living in Shikoku, Japan. My name, given to me by my preceptor at my ordination, is written with two Chinese characters: the first is 弘, which means "spreading," and the second is 英, which means "blossoms."

Thanks to the kind guidance of generous teachers and friends on the path, I have experienced first-hand the transformative impact that learning and practicing Buddhism can have on a person. I have also seen how sparse accurate information and practical advice for non-Japanese folks interested in Shingon and Shugendō can be.

On this blog I share my own experiences and reflections on Buddhist prayer, pilgrimage, and ascents of sacred mountains in the hopes that others can get a sense of the beauty and power of these practices and implement them in their own lives. 

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